Saturday, January 3, 2009

New Year

Finally another series of months in a new way...the same 12 months with some new resolutions...

But this year has started with a strange note...when everything is so uncertain.nothing to feel happy about.Be it family,be it my own stability or anything - i find everything in dark hole.dont know where the hole leads me to.So much of pain,doubt,confusion - dont know what to do.

Have realized one thing,there may be lots of philosophical articles to inspire but the reality is far away.Yes of we are the one shaping our lives but none can do anything without the permission of destiny.Since childhood i have been reading and hearing that good things happen with good people - all those happy ending stories but in my life i have seen and experienced just the opposite. Yesterday i have completed one book called "Fish" - no i am not at all inspired by it. I now feel all the books are meant to be the inspiration but they are away from the real life. In real life things wont fall so smoothly on our path even if we are right,doing good things and being good at heart. Hope..its a big thing - all spiritual Gurus teach us to be hopeful and see the things in a very positive way even of when everything is going wrong. But i feel why to do so?yes its good to be positive and happy but what about those who are deprived? They are taught to console themselves and wait for happiness ,a never ending wait.

I am now tired of being hopeful.I kind of become indifferent towards life. Never got any reward for being honest,good and hard why being so??

I am not saying that I wont be honest but..may be I dont give a damn kind of attitude will born inside me...and many people who think alike.

So the moral of the story is..we are nothing without our destiny - being honest,truthful,hardworking wont pay unless and untill the Kismat is Meherban.

And yah I have stopped taking any new year resolution. When life is so uncertain - everything else is uncertain...whats the use of any resolution??

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