Of late I have been going through the articles / books / stories which talk about Hope.Watching spiritual soaps crowded all the TV channels.Also have been talking to spiritually motivated people. They say what ever happens, happens for good and no question left unanswered at the end of the day. But this 'end of the day' doesnt mean 24 hours.It may be a life time.
People say we suffer not only because of what we do in this life but may be beause of our deeds in our past lives. But how am I supposed to know what I had done in my past life? and how my deeds and equal to what I am getting in this life?
People say, every problem has a solution and those cant be solved should be left thinking that a better and bigger solotion is awaiting. I can not buy this. For an example, I need, I desire for something very badly,desperately and I feel helpless when I see that in spite of my praying and putting effort I am unable to achieve what I want - I am asked that I deserve ( may) a better thing. In short if I do not get what I want, I deserve something better or worse but not what I want!!! Strange. Its been years that I have been praying for basic requirement of my life. I am thankful that I have all the basic things in life - a proper shelter, food, clothes, few good friends,wonderful and very supportive family and a job. but there are things beyond - from past few years ( more than a year and half now) things are really going wrong, I can see me putting effort, being hard working and honest but the result I am getting which is upsetting me.
I see so many ads and so many things (read Ads direct or indirect) to improve your career,relationship,health,wealth - so on and so forth. But does anything can change what Brahma ji has planned for us?I doubt. If so would have been possible no pain, no illness,no heart break could have happened.
I have been t0 so many astrologers in the hope of improving my life and everything. but over a period of time I have realized them to be fake. Nothing has changed in my life. Only my attitude towards life is different now. I try to be with every little things that I have and I had. I no more compare - comparing hurts. I used to ask to myself and God when I know I deserve why cant I achieve?? but i didnt get any answer. Most of my questions left unanswered. I spent many sleepless,painful nights finding the answers feeling absolute helpless.
What the spiritual / motivational theme is teaching us is to be strong. They have their own way to teach us never to give up. Somewhere recently I have read , if someone is punished and in pain,it indicates that the person is done with all the bad things in life and a new,bright,happy life awaiting ahead. I believe, nothing and no one can change anything - its only the attitude not to give up and live life as it comes to us.more over we have to admit the truth that everyone is not blessed with "Good Fortune" and everyone's honesty,hard work dont lead to a fairy tale ending. I loved the movie Corporate. It is so true, so real, so positive.Hope is being sold like a hot cake - its a dream. Hope to stay young,hope to look beautiful,hope to be famous,hope to have peace,hope to be loved,hope to have a super job etc.
These days my mantra of living is never to give up - I have lost many things in life. Dont know if I ever get them back but all these experience have made me stronger, more practical.
Hope and attitude is what I have gained from all the pain,accidents,loss in life.