Its been few years and the city remains the same...
The city is known as the City of Joy...Kolkata.The moment i stepped in Howrah station I could easily fly back down the memory lane, nothing much has changed,its the same, the same busy people,the hawkers,the eager relatives waiting for their their loved ones to come out of the trains...
My favourite Howrah bridge, the ghats and so many other things...I spent the years which were full of dreams,fantasy,hope and endless energy.Each corner of the city has so many beautiful memories of the most beautiful days of my life. If I start writing about them, I may never be able to stop...
The best part was, an evening when I met my best buddy Ammu...she is my college pal and even after so many years we are friends. And the most surprising thing I discover, the time is no more the same but the feelings we had for each other 8 years back are the same.I was moved by this very fact! In this fast changing world if someone feels the same for you even after 8 years is really amazing.
College days are the days when one dreams even with an open eyes...we too used to do the same.We had a gang..full of fun and we were good at studies too...Could not meet other pals due to lack of time but yes...connected another partner of our craze and found her the same too.
I realized those days were so pure, we were so prompt to help each other any time...without expecting anything in return.Everything was filled with unique fun - be it having gol gappas in front of college gate or sit and chat at Dhakuria lake or go for shopping even for 10 bucks or reading story books at library or attending psycho classes....
I must say those psycho practical classes were fun in spite of having some strict teachers. We did a great deal of manipulation to score better marks in practical & studies some fat books too.
Making planes and flying them in English class ( where attendance was maximum as 2/3 other stream used to join us) was fun.. It was a girls college so...no fun looking at guys so we used to have fun deciding who was the sexiest girl or homely girl among the lot.It was fun too.
I still remember, there was no shopping mall that time,only Emami shopping place...(forgot the exact name) and Landmark was a hip hop place to be in so we used to walk & used to listen to songs,read books there. We never used to hesitate singing out loud even on the road...one of the favourite track was .."Raat ka nasha abhi aankh se gaya nahi.." from the movie Ashoka. Even sitting at metro station platform it was fun staring at guys,giggling and singing without even looking at guys!!
Ammu and I used to be a little more close...we celebrated Valentine's day together watching Raaz at some movie hall at Esplanade... a horror movie on the day of love...well the whole class was present that day for the same movie and same show...we realized that during the interval.
We laughed together even in some silly reason..we cried and offered shoulders every time we needed....and stood by each other in hard times...
I met her after few years but both of us possess the same madness,smile,energy and dreams that we had 8 years ago...may be hidden and may burst out when getting the same spark.
True, life is dull if it doesn't have friends with same madness,passion,energy....friends are not those who are calculative but those who do feel the same as you do and even they don't they do respect what you feel....
I loved rain, i loved the breeze, i loved the Dhakuria lake, the metro and so many other things...I love the imagination I had that time...I love the energy and hope I had that time... I miss them.
I could feel those 'never say no' & 'never die' moments being in Kolkata and being with Ammu.