Sunday, November 1, 2009

Being a little Bizarre

Its a Sunday.Having one long weekend and trust me I am wasting it. I planned a lot for today but didn't bother to step out of my room Didn't even cook for myself.Yah, I have been feeling so so so lazy. The morning was beautiful, it was sunny & its no more hot.Its pleasant. So much I felt to hop on to some less known place - even may be Chandni Chawk - but at of the day I am at my room and on my bed.

I have been thinking what I actually want to do?My passion? I found myself blank. I love speed - i love biking, I love photography, I love movies and music and books...sometimes cooking too then what stops me doing so?I am blank, i can see things but fail to feel and analyze. Where are those crazy yet funny out of the box ideas and plans?

Somehow over a period of time, I have stopped thinking crazy (which i believe to be creative) and i think what i am supposed to think or i am expected to think, which is normal.The word is mechanical.Its true, the more convenient and easier life has become, the less are using our brain - being more tech savvy means using less our our grey cells. Loosing the capability of seeing the ordinary thing in an extra ordinary way...

I wish,I get back my craze and the enthusiasm to think and do everything which most of the people thing to be bizarre. I love being so.


अभय कांत श्रीवास्तव "अक़्स" said...

Your though process is very creative and coming from atmosphere..amezing..keep it up

Moumita said...

Thanks :)