Life is now all about "www" - we all are trapped in the web. Just name it and its very much popular as virtual concept.
On every occasion I wonder do people still meet and celebrate? Or they prefer doing that virtually?There was a time, not too far though,may be 15 years back I still can remember life used to be so different.
Sunday used to be fun day - a complete family day when the entire family used to be together, watching Ramayana or Mahabharata together, enjoying breakfast followed by a lavishing lunch. May be shopping or eating out or going to park together in the evening.
Now Sundays give me a different picture.
Why only Sunday, these days even friends prefer meeting and communicating over social networking sites most of the time or may be 365 days!!! Life has become an open book - we know whats on everyone's mind, we know each and every update of everyone. And more over we react with our comments as if we are the best buddies!!! Kind of extended families. On an average everyone has above 500 friends - out of those 500 friends may be 50 friends are quite regular. Some of them just observe quietly on each and every activity.
I, myself being so addicted with the social networking sites - still I wonder are all of them my friends?? Will I be confident calling them during some odd hours if I be in need? Well I dont think so.
In fact, it has become so strange that even staying in the same home or being neighbors we prefer connecting over net rather than shedding our laziness and move a bit!!
And those colourful, beautiful greeting cards with nice messages have almost reached to a dead end.Hardly few prefer buying a greeting card these days. Wishes to through sms or just one lines on the social networking wall.
Well am not at all cribbing. Am quite excited with the future of this virtual life. Friends will be virtual, family will be virtual till some extent. We will try making all the excuses not to meet face to face but use our smart phones almost all the time to be connected. At least we are connected somehow!!!! Good way to dig into someone's life....
May be a day will come when we will celebrate diwali, holi, durga puja, Eid, new year, Christmas and other festival virtually - virtual crackers, virtual idols, virtual food and everything virtual....
Doest seem impossible to me anymore.....
In fact now it wont be wrong if I start thinking of my falling in love, getting married and even (if possible) to have kids through this "www" way .... everything virtual.... saves so much time!!! Nahi??? and yeah... virtually we cab assume the way we want - a bit away from reality. Everything customized according to our need, our desire.....