My birth day...( when you are away from family)
I have always been very excited about it. Does not matter how old I am but I believe i will always be so. Its a day when you have all the luxuries in your life, people treat you as a princess.Every one makes you feel as if you are the special most person on this earth and trust me I completely enjoy it.
Birth day for me is always to be celebrated big time at night - bang on 00 hours, the very moment the date starts. How it should be?hmmmm... Since I am so fond of candles, flowers and balloons - it has to be filled with candles and petals and balloons everywhere. And a chocolate cake is the must, so as lots of friends or even select special friends will do. Then chit chat, music and dance and some madness ofcouse.
Then comes the next day. The morning seems beutiful because you still can see the petals, the balloons all around and the memories of last night. You get up and start rceiving lots of calls and messages - your friends and relatives still wish you. Though sending paper card these days a little back dated so people prefer wishing on SMS or even social networking sites. Some close friends and family call you. Then you get some special menu for break fast and lunch. Probably you wear new clothes which you mom sent you for your birth day or start usuing the new mobile phone or camera that your dad or brother has gifted you.
Of couse the evening party is the craziest thing. You invite all your buds to go crazy. Another cake, friends and lots of fun...
And the best thing amidst all these is if you receive some unexpected call or sms from someone special...and I am sure one will go mad if its beyond a call or sms...like a bouquet or chocolates or even a teddy....or any damn thing....
Ahhh... a busy day!!!I wish everyone of us can celebrate his or her birth day at least 3 times a year...who doesnt wanna be pampered?to feel like a princess??
I am waiting eagerly for my Happy Wala Birth Day...