I was trying to understand why people move on?I usually heard its the growth factor that makes one to move on. Does it mean one place can not give enough opportunities to grow? I have no answer for this but yes I feel its all about depreciation value. If one be loyal, hard working, dedicated and so on, people start taking that person for granted. Specially a volatile field like mine, its, I feel, always better not to stick to one single place, then it so happened that you are taken for granted and yes, you yourself stop evaluating yourself.
And when you plan to move on, the whole situation changes, Suddenly you become the betrayer, someone who has done the worst thing ever etc etc. People avoid eye contacts & treat you as if " Og my God..you are the one who has committed the sin?" So the situation is even tricky. The whole situation becomes so that you stop feeling to be a part of the environment anymore. It becomes suffocating enough to survive. You are not being quite trusted anymore, not being a part of any important thing anymore. So you end up feeling a complete left out. I belive more or less same thing happens to almost everyone.
There are very few organization who give a happy treatment to the one who is on the way to sail to new shore, very few organizations give a happy farewell with complete appreciation of the time,energy,skill,loyalty you have invested.
Does anyone value hard work and loyalty anymore? I doubt.