Thursday, March 23, 2017

Story of 30 something eligible for marriage kinda woman in India !

In your mid 30? And still single? Seems horrible? It should not be. Relax. Chill. The right person will come and the age won’t matter!

30 something and still single? Great!  So am I. In my early 30s and pretty much single.

The questions we face almost on a regular basis “So when are you getting married?” or “hey why are not you still married?”

Well, I am not really against marriage but just because I have crossed 30, I have to get married. Marriage is not a compulsion. It should not be.

Have I tried getting finding that special person?  Yes, I did. By now I think I can write a book on “Meeting the prospective groom!”

The most amazing fact of looking for a groom is, however imperfect they are, they always look for the perfect bride. Now how do we define perfection? Thanks to Indian TV soaps, we have a clear picture in our mind how the bride should be. Fair, slim, educated yet homely, a good cook (to impress the husband and the family), great at house hold work, coy and happy, someone who never complains, who has mastered the art of adjustment without uttering a single word… and the list goes on.  And for many so called educated guys, the bride has to be virgin!

I have been quite an independent woman in my life. Have been working for over a decade, traveling alone from one city to the other, I am the kind of a person who is not afraid of being alone. I eat alone at restaurants. Go for movie alone. Sit alone in a park with a book to read or with my camera. Somehow I am so damn comfortable in my own company.

So what marriage really is?

Two people coming together. With a good check list. Mostly tangible, physical aspects.  Where the guys have to show their salary slips for past 3-6 months. The girls are being measures on weighing machine and with inch tape! Two perfect people move forward with a measured way! Great!!!
But wait – is it marriage all about perfection? I don’t think so.

Is not it about being just yourself?

Why to be someone else? It’s great to follow tradition however it’s never a compulsion to go out of the way and follow something which is not you. For an example, most of the girls who love keeping their hair short, love to wear jeans or even suits – suddenly change themselves by growing their hair long and started wearing saree! Someone who loves to talk and laugh sudden be quiet as the bride – to – be doesn’t talk much or talk loud or laugh much! And if you are little bulky then you are almost a NO NO in the marriage market.

Why can’t marriage be just like a happy soothing breeze! When both the partners meet, the feelings should be “WOW, Where have you been? Now let’s just enjoy the journey together by sharing the happiness, joy and tears together.”   Why can’t it go beyond physical and material attraction?

Marriages for me and for many girls who think alike, is being with a person who is compatible to enjoy the journey of life together. It’s more of a friendship, a lifelong partnership.  It may not be perfect and a bed or roses but while together, everything can be shared!

From my own experience, I have come across guys who are dead against accepting a girl who has her own voice! Who doesn’t follow anyone blindly. Who travels alone. Who puts her needs simultaneously with the partner’s needs! So much so that they guys feel it a threat to have such an independent partner in their life!!!  How come it is a threat when feel having a strong partner makes the partnership stronger!

Image, Tendulkar and Kohli on partnership!  The match will be an amazing one. What if Kohli takes Tandulkar as his competition? The ego game will start! This probably is one of the reasons why most of us are scared to be in a relations, ego! Yes, we are scared to leave the ego behind and start afresh.
Hope a day comes, when all the guys and the girls are themselves and be accepted the way they are. It’s ok sometimes not to be perfect and be the unique self. It’s probably the most beautiful feelings when we are being loved, accepted and appreciated being us!

So don’t hurry, it’s ok even if you are in in late 30s or early 40s. Your friends might all be married with kids going to schools and some may be preparing to go to high school too. Everyone’s timing can’t be same always. Till you are single, enjoy the space. Breathe free.  Learn new skills, develop new hobbies, make new friends, travel solo (trust me; it’s one of the most amazing things you can be doing single and free). Start reading and writing. Discover the new you!

When the right person comes, the age won’t matter. The wrinkle (if any) won’t matter. All that will matter is your soul, the inner core of your being.

Let not your caste, your religion, your complexion, your salary, your financial assets, your height or weight define you. They are a part of you. You are more than all these. You are limitless. A beautiful human being.

I believe I am so.

Stay in love with yourself always! 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Is Technology A Boon or A Curse?

Remember the childhood days when we used to wait for Sundays to get connected with your loved ones or long distance relates? Simply because the call rates was cheaper.

Do you remember the smile on your face while opening a letter and waiting eagerly to read it? Each word came loaded with emotion. We could feel it. While writing a letter, we could probably visualise the reader’s expression.

They used to be soaked in personal touch. Those hand written letters, those had made cards… the smell of them was so special.

Did we miss a deadline because we were not on WhatsApp or other social media? Did we need instant reminder and online planning to meet friends or any family member? There was no lack of coordination or trust. We didn’t keep in touch 24x7 – still we were pretty much in touch and updated. We used to find the shoulder when we wanted to cry or we used to find a companion when we wanted to share something.

Today we all are connected almost 24x7 through technology. 1000 plus contact on popular social media, may be more numbers in phone book. We are excited about the likes and comments we get.
In fact, when we meet the same people with whom we are in touch over social media all the time, somehow we run out of words when we actually have to initiative a conversation in real. Sitting face to face with them we feel challenged – numb. And then we go back to our smart gadgets! Feel comfortable there – in the virtual world. We run out of conversation only because we are so distance from each other in real.

Why this discomfort when it comes to the real world? What are we running from? Are we lacking emotion? Do we feel uncomfortable expressing our emotion? Or we are too distant even to get in touch with our own feelings? Emojis are easy to express. What about a healthy conversation with family or friends and share a hearty laughter?

Now coming back to if technology is a boon or a curse?

Well, all that I have said above are true. At the same time, we have another truth. Imagine, being a woman waiting for a cab late night. Do we feel safe in public transport? Here comes the benefit of modern technology. We have instant radio cabs which are much safer. We have safety apps which keep us connected with loved ones and also to the near-by police stations.
We save time by doing much more work on the move, just being multi-tasking – in today’s busy life it’s one of the best advantage that we have. We can work from anywhere with the help of the gadgets and technology. The world has come into our pockets! Especially in some emergency situation, technology comes to us savior.

It’s a paradox. Still I would say, technology is a boon. It’s up-to us, the human beings to control technology or let technology control us. A balance always makes life perfect. Replace emojis with real laughter. Replace mass forwards with 10 minutes conversation with loved ones. Make the effort to connect in real, beyond virtual world.
Technology is here to make our life simpler, not to create a gap!

Friday, June 24, 2016

A Lazy Evening Stroll

Watching sunset and the changing colors of the sky has always been fascinating for me. Can sit quietly and spend hours just looking at the changing colors of the sky.

Few days ago, I took a lazy stroll around Victoria Memorial. It’s a beautiful marble building dedicated to the memories of Queen Victoria. Its one of the most serene and beautiful places in Kolkata. Beautiful white structure, lush green all around, clean roads, huge green playground beside it. It’s just beautiful. I went there just after the sunset. It’s called the blue hour. 

It was getting dark. It was so wonderful to walk quietly at that stretch on a summer evening. Comforting breeze all around me. A magical drama between light and shadow. It was nostalgic. In today's busy and concrete life we actually miss being close to our emotions.

 What we are, what we want - we hardly know. We are much covered with what others want us to be! 

Love! I wanted to talk about love or simply feel the essence of it. I don’t remember when was the last time I walked with someone, holding hands in such evening. Do you remember any such evening? Probably without talking much, just quietly walking and enjoying being together. These days we date or meet mostly at malls, pubs, restaurants or may be inside our rooms. And there is nothing wrong in it but are we drifting away from the basics?

Going back to my childhood or say teenage, the days without WhatsApp or Facebook or any kind of social media. Not even mobile phones. Couples used to wait to meet each other with their limited communications. They didn’t have to check every half an hour if they are meeting. I think promises were much more meaningful then. Commitments made some sense. Trust was meant to be maintained. Not as fragile as I see them today. 

I loved the quietness - I felt it was only me who existed in that moment. That hopelessly romantic me who is somehow lost or probably too scared to reveal the romantic side. Love today has a different meaning. We fall in love with much calculation these days! Am sure, many of you feel the same way!

Just image the days, two loving souls after a busy day meeting in a place like Victoria Memorial or may be some banks of river in Kolkata - just to sit together and see the sunset or just to be together. Thank God that was the era much before WhatsApp or any other social media. We still have much to talk when we met. We have so much to express. We had so much to share.

Contrary to today's scenario when we meet and keep busy with our smart phones. We just keep busy checking in or clicking a selfie together and post it. It’s more important now to show the world rather than doing it from the core of the soul. I loved that era when we had enough time to read books, write letters, talk a walk! spending time with friends and loved ones - without looking into the phones. So are we getting disconnected while trying to be connected all the time? Are we lacking soul when communicating with someone? Our emotions have become mere emoticons? May be. 

I still wish and dream of the time when I walk in the rain or may be during sunset completely forgetting all about the smart phone or check ins! How wonderful it is to enjoy someone's company - how amazing it is to be filled with joy in someone's presence. But wait... do we enjoy being with someone without a smart phone today? Have we become too shallow to be emotional? Or we are just too scared revealing ourselves?

May be we are scared. Scared to be our true selves.

Still I am optimist! I still wait for a sunset. I still wait for some rain. I still wait for the breeze and the smell of the earth. When I am disconnected from the tech world or the smart world. When I am just myself. Enjoying my being. That’s what I call LOVE.

See, an evening stroll evoked so much of love in me!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Pondicherried !

The much celebrated time of the year, New Year eve.

The city of joy looked gorgeous yet my soul craved for something different. And I could feel I need some sea breeze pampering my hair… the smell of sands and yeah… a new place.

I somehow love unplanned trips.  So unplanned that I myself am unsure of the destination.  So I booked my tickets few hours before I started my journey.

Destination, Chennai.

31st night !!! I was in the flight and surrounded by completely unknown co-passengers.  The clock indicated 0000 hours in flight.  And almost everyone was fast asleep. Anyway.

Just imagine reaching Chennai airport at 1am! A strange city. And stranger the language.  Yes I had some doubt on my mind, would I be able to manage without knowing the local language?

Thankfully I did.

After roaming around in the airport for some time, I realized I need some sleep.  Walked straight to the Fast Track cabs counter at airport. Asked for help, asked them to find me a next by transit hotel.
Meanwhile I looked for rooms online as well.

The Fast Track counter guy helped me with his known hotel.  It was Oyo room. Pretty sad still ok for few hours’ sleep! By that time I decided my destination. Pondicherry.

While sitting in the airport, I didn’t hesitate to ask from the people around about Pondicherry – how to reach, how long it takes and where to take bus from. Well, two friends of mind who were in Tamil Nadu. They helped me with relevant information.

I stayed somewhere in my hotel within 2km from the airport, at GST Road. A small and very basic hotel it was. However, for me, it was just matter for 2/3 hours.

I started my trip around 7am from Chennai. Got my bus for Pondicherry around 7:30am. It was a local green color bus. No prior booking was required. I got into the bus and luckily, got a seat too! The fare from Chennai to Pondicherry was Rs 79!!!  Made me happy.

 There are two ways to reach Pondicherry from Chennai. 1. Via GST road (through NH 45) 2. Though East Coast Road.

While going, I took GST road. It was a shorter route.  It took exactly 3 hours to reach Pondicherry. By the way, the bus didn’t give a loo break in between!

Chennai was hot! However, it was nice to feel the changing weather as I was entering Pondicherry. It became somewhat, soothing!

Now reaching Pondicherry without any booking on 1st day of the year, it would have been silly to expect any room to be available. At least the good ones.

However, finally I found myself a room. Again a very basic room at heritage Town at connected to MG Road and just 4/5 minutes’ walk from the beach! Pondicherry itself is a small town which can be explored by walk. Its pleasant walking, especially on the first week in January!

After getting fresh, I just started walking. From my hotel to the beach. It was absolutely serene – the mustard colors houses, the clean roads, people cycling and walking – the clear blue sky and the pleasant sun! It was exactly what I wished for.

If you ask me, what all one can do at Pondicherry? If one should just cover one point to the other? My personal views will be, NO.  Just enjoy somewhat bohemian, somewhat spiritual, somewhat calmness of the place.

I didn’t make any itinerary for Pondicherry. I just kept walking and exploring. First thing that took my heart away was the architecture – a beautiful fusion of French and Tamil architecture.

While walking down, I came across various food joints – you can enjoy different kind of food. Indian, French, continental, organic – just name it and you will get it.  And almost all the food joints serve pretty scrumptious food.

How did I try food there? I just randomly got into restaurants and cafes and tried food. Be it Indian, French, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Chettinad, Chinese or Continental – name it and you will get it. Just explore each and every lane of the town. Mostly you will get everything within French colony, MG Road, Heritage Town.

The town doesn’t have rush. It was amazing to sit, read books looking at the road or even at the sea and enjoy the meal. I enjoyed doing that. In Pondicherry, the best part is, you can get affordable as well as luxurious food. Whatever, your pocket is comfortable with.

During the day time, while walking around the French colony, I had my food at Le CafĂ© facing rock beach. Sitting in a quiet corner (Though it was crowded being 1st day of the year).

My first half was spent roaming in and around French colony and MG road. While walking around, I found Immaculate Conception Cathedral. A beautiful white church!

 In the evening I headed to Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus which is near the railway station. I reached exactly at the right time. I witnessed the 1st January Mass from the beginning till the end; it was beautiful even when I didn’t understand the language. All I can say is, there are certain feelings which cannot be expressed. They are meant just to feel!

It was a pure bliss to be there on 1st January. Due to Mass, it was filled with disciples.

Post the mass, I started walking through MG Road to my hotel. On the way, you can find many food joints; you can try any of them. Specially if you want to enjoy the local cuisine.  I went to Indian Coffee House at J.N. Street. You can get the best of South Indian food there!

Well, there was a very old Kofi bar, KBS Kofi barr  ( a small shop who sells coffee and tea) near to my hotel – even though I am not a coffee person, the aroma literally fascinated me to have a cup of coffee. Trust me, I found it heaven! I tried the same next day too. Just Rs 20 / cup!

Since I had walked the whole day, I had an amazing sound sleep J The weather was pleasant. Neither hot nor cold!

The second day, I planned for Auroville. Well, one fact that many people do not know is it’s not in Pondicherry. It’s in Tamil Nadu. However, Auroville is very close to Pondichery, half an hour by an auto! On the way, I just wished to have Kothu Parotta. It’s one of the most favourite dishes when I am in Tamil Nadu. And where did I have it? I just asked the auto driver to take me to a local dhaba. Trust me that’s the best way to have local food, sitting amidst the local people without understanding anything that they were talking! I just relished my Kothu Parotta, followed by coffee ( or kofi, as they say).

Well, since I went there for a very short time, I could only walk around Matri Mandir which most of the people do. However, the place is all about experiencing and soaking into the nature. It is quiet, serene and pure. You just can be yourself. May be, you re discover yourself! There are some places on the earth, they are so natural and so pure, and you just transform yourself into a more evolved being.

Yes, if I visit there again, I will stay there for a week at least.

Matri Mandir itself is a wonder. I believe, to enter the mandir, you need prior booking. If you are planning to stay, do contact them before hand and complete your booking, seek guidance on what all you can do there to experience the place in the best possible way. They sell many handicrafts – I bought some incense and candles! Indeed they are overpriced and you will get them all at Pondicherry near Ashram!

Inside auroville, you will find some gem of eateries who serve fresh and organic food.  Few of them are Well CafeNaturellement, Frite Corner Farm Fresh, Le Morgan, Solitude Farm, auroville bakery!

After auroville, I went to Chunnambar boat house. You will get boats there to go to Paradise beach. Well, the place was over crowded as it was just the beginning of a year. The beach didn’t impress me much. It was a normal beach with a small shack with overpriced food. The boats take around Rs 100 to drop you at the beach and pick you up from there. If you are an explorer, you may give this a miss! 

If you like having some chilled beer sitting at the beach, go ahead! And then in the evening I visited Eglise de notre Dame des Anges. It’s a beautiful French church. The color of the church is the most distinctive one – it’s pink! A very quiet church with mesmerizing architect. The windows have glass painting and with the sun rays hitting on them create a beautiful reflection. I spent some good time sitting in peace there.  

My last two destinations in Pondicherry were Ashram. Well, if you are into meditation, this is the best place for you. No gadgets. No camera. No words. Just silence is all you can have!

They have a good collection on spiritual and philosophical books. So yes, I ended up buying some!  

Just next to the ashram is  Arulmigu Manakula Vinayagar Temple. A beautiful Ganesh temple with so many variations of lord Ganesha! The temple has beautiful painting all over. Heard it’s a very old temple and establish around 1666, much before the French came. When you enter the temple, you can see an elephant giving it’s blessings to everyone who is either giving it some money or food. Just note, the elephant is so well trained that it just gives everything to its master immediately!

About my dinner, I had fish pizza at Intalia! Yes, you heard it right, fish pizza. They have variety of fusion pizza starting from Tuna, fish and lot more! Try them if you visit Pondicherry.

Next day, I had my breakfast with egg dosai and started for Chennai!  Pondicherry was good to me. People were cordial and helpful.

I wish I could have spent more time there. May be next time.

So, from my trip, I can share a few important notes, especially to solo travellers:

1.       It’s ok to travel without a plan! Just enjoy every moment – whatever comes!
2.       You need help? Just ask for it. you will get it
3.       Try experimenting with everything
4.       Don’t be too fussy on rooms and food! Just ensure safety and hygiene  
5.       Keep your mobile charged! Google helps! It really does
6.       If you have any local friends, ask them for guidance
7.       Don’t make point to point visiting places. Explore what you wish!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Annual Energy Forecast for 2016

First of all, I would like to thank each of you who are going through this forecast. Thank you for having the faith. It’s a generic forecast. You may ask, will this be applicable for everyone? I would say, if you resonate with the energy, then yes! I would also like to share, every reading is a tentative indication. You will be given all the elements to create a situation. However, it completely depends on you how you use the element. For an example, a card says there is a high chance of you to get a job. You may get a call or a mail which you don’t respond to. Obviously, without responding to the element (which is the email or the call) you cannot create the situation (which is the interview) and thus the chances of getting the job will lessen down.  Tarot / angel cards for me are all about indication and guidance. Follow the guidance, create your own path.

I have used Guardian Angel Tarot cards by DOREEN VIRTUE , RADLEIGH VALENTINE. This deck is adaptation of the original Rider Waite Tarot deck. I preferred using the deck as Tarot always gives a detailed guidance and since its guardian angel tarot deck, the energy is much loving and softer.  It’s not scary. There are no negative cards. Its only loving guidance. Hope the Angels be with you. If you need any clarity on this reading, call upon your Guardian angel and ask for help or clarity.  I am sure, you will be guided.

January:  The theme of the January is all about introspection. Go deep within. Not for anyone else but for yourself. The year stats with spiritual discovery. If you ask me, where from spirituality starts? It all starts from within so it’s very important to know own self first.  This month is not an action oriented month. This month is rather going within, look for what you really are, what you really want. Or say, discovering your true self.
Try spending time with yourself. Meditate. If you find meditation boring then go for a walk alone or even with your pet, if you have one.  Sit in your garden quietly or near the river / lake / sea – whatever is accessible for you.
February:  February is going to be a month where you may learn some new skills which eventually help you to grow as a human being and as a spiritual being as well. This month’s energy is all about focus, dedication and success – it’s a good month if you are working on a project, you will complete it successfully. This month also is about being yourself and shows the world your talent, your skill. If you are good at something, be proud of it and express it.  With focus and determination, you can turn your efforts into successful completion.
March: End of Financial year. You need to be careful about your finance – how you are spending, where you are investing and how much you are spending. Be a little careful. You are in a financially stable position – just be grounded. Don’t be overwhelmed. Don’t splurge, at least this month.  It’s ok and safe to love money however don’t get attached to the materialistic things, in other word, don’t get greedy.
Rather try to invest wisely and also, try donating among the ones who are in need. Doesn’t matter in a smaller way or in a bigger way; share your abundance in whatever way that makes your comfortable. Law of attraction says, the more you share, the more you create.  
April:  April brings the childlike energy – fun, impulsiveness and creativity along with passion. Many of you have been still in learning mode and excited about your new skill. This month will make you feel the urge to express! There will be creative restlessness within. Very productive month however the energy of the month needs to be handled with a bit of maturity. You may have too many ideas and positivity still don’t be very impulsive. Or else you may feel that no one is appreciating your thoughts and ideas!
However, feel free to express yourself. Also, I feel keep yourself grounded; surround yourself with like minded people and best way to express yourself is to maintain a journal.
If you are into angel therapy, you can express yourself to the angels. You can express yourself to your guru or masters.

May: This month may show you certain delay in action or even decision making process.  Suddenly it may feel that everything is at standstill and nothing really is moving! HOLD ON! Don’t rush into anything. This month asks you to calm down.  Ask yourself if there is anything that you need to know?
You may see things in an entire different perspective altogether. If possible, try to change your views. The situation may seem different. If someone is looking for help, go ahead and help.
Sometimes when we go through problems and worries, helping others reveal the answers to our problems.

June: This month will bring you some relief. The worries and the challenging times have come to an end! You will feel much lighter and happier. It’s a time of completion of struggle or competition. And chances are high that you come out with flying colors. However, it also means that with achievement come some responsibilities. So be true to your commitment. If you feel overwhelmed with your work, share your work or delegate your work. Don’t take the entire work load on yourself.  This card also reminds us not to pull us down by taking excess burden. Find a fine balance in work and leisure, or I would say, do what makes you happy and sets you free! Take enough rest. Take timely and healthy food.

July:  The energy of this month is holding your ground, despite ongoing challenges to your position and authority. You need to take a stand and defend your position at all costs. This will take courage and persistence but you have the strength and determination to do it. You see yourself as a battler and no matter what the challenge, you still have it in you to stand up for yourself and fight to the end. So, although you are experiencing a number of setbacks at the moment, you need to continue fighting for what you believe in and confronting others who may oppose or threaten you.
 You carry some of the energy from the previous month and the success continues. So this month also you need to be responsible and be ready to define your action or words.

August: You continue with your good work, intellect, presence of mind. I see a victory, a success. It’s not sudden. It is a cumulative result from previous few months, as you can see!
This month you will make very clear and unbiased communication. You will be alert and review your decision very carefully. You are capable to face challenges and successfully work at challenging situation. I feel, many of you will make some practical decisions in this month. You will be determined and geared with correct facts and figures, if you are on some project.  Over all a good month.

September: This month shows a very harmonious relation with wealth. I can see abundance in this month and we all are blessed with so much abundance that we the inflow and outflow of cash / money are in complete harmony. There is no sense of lack. You are blessed with everything that you need. Accept this abundance with gratitude. At the same time, share your abundance. This month, you may get a new job or may get a promotion.
Remember to count your blessings.

October: Amazing month! This month asks you to claim your power back! This month is all about reminding you about your power! That the divine power is within you.  You just need to claim it back. You may see difficulties or challenges. You may find people who have hurt you or have been unfair to you. This power is not external, it’s all within you. By claiming your power, you will be able to forgive.
Yes forgiveness needs more courage than we can think of. You will be powerful enough to see and decide what is right or wrong for you and you will move out of the situation which you feel can’t respect you.  If you feel wrong, say it. If you see wrong, speak it out.

November:  This month is a very fertile month. You know that you are blessed for sure. You have worked on your dreams, you have shown faith and you have been fair! So it’s time to step into a field to cherish your hard work and prayer. This is a good month for the couples who are planning to extend their family. You may be blessed with good news soon. This month is also a great month if you are trying for a job or exam! Go ahead with complete confidence. This month is all about fulfilling your dreams and getting the fruits of your hard work.
If you are an artist or in field of creativity, it is going to be a great month.

December:  The energy of this month somehow is very different than the other months. It’s strange but true. For some of you, this month may come up with some challenges, be it personal or financial or professional. There might be some sudden loss. However, the guidance is, don’t isolate yourself. Seek your for help. It’s ok to ask for help from the universe and from the people around you. You may feel lonely or abandoned.
However, I will see this month in a different way. This month will come to you to strengthen your faith. Even in difficult situation, how you can keep up your faith and move ahead positively. No difficult situation may change your faith.
Be very balanced in this month. Don’t get attached to the result. Keep doing your work with dedication and integrity. It’s a temporary phase of challenges and no phase lasts long, be it a happy one or the challenging one.

Thank you. Have a great year ahead. 

Monday, September 14, 2015

Happy Meal

What does a happy meal mean to you?

The thought of some fast food outlet and some cute little toys come up on mind? May be.
Have you ever thought of school days? Did the meals make you happy? We all used to wait for that lunch break! No matter what the food was.   Those colourful Tiffin boxes, those impatient wait for lunch break bell and sometimes peeping into the box to find out what’s inside it. And then all friends sitting together and sharing the food. Most of the time, “Your mom makes such good food everyday” – yes the grass used to be greener the other side.

Sharing has always been fun.

I fail to understand why it changes over the period of time?

How does the working professional eat? Their executive lunch?

Alone? Sitting quietly? In some corner. May be eyes on laptop or phone. We behave we have doing some favour to someone by eating the lunch. Grabbing it quickly. Quicker and quieter the lunch is, the more efficient the executive is, indeed!

Different offices has different culture. I quite love the culture where people take their time out for lunch. May be half hour or so. They sit together. No matter what they bring, they share.
Food is the best way to bring people together, bring their inner most corners out! Doesn't matter department or hierarchy, it’s always fun to eat together and share.

Why I think eating together is fun (at work place):
·         We get a break from work!
·         We get to interact with people with whom we probably don’t interact for work
·         We get to eat variety and who doesn't love that?
·         We open up – we end up talking about out likes, dislikes, hobbies etc.
·         Eating together, sharing food and laughing together indeed bring people close erasing the line between hierarchy or departmental difference

There might be, I am sure there are many more reason why we should sharing our lunch break rather than eating alone, quietly in one corner, concentrating on the screen. The organization won’t really collapse for this 30 minutes happy meal break. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Chicken Recipe with lemon and chilli

Lebu Lonka Chicken 
Recipe: Lebu Lonka Chicken

There are times when our taste buds behave in a strange way! Specially when we are unwell. We crave for something spicy or tangy or chatpata! This recipe will bring that taste – tangy and hot! Quite a simple recipe, I too have learnt it from someone. Since I love food - I love experimenting with cooking too! 

You can customize it a little, e.g I like more garlic so I put more! If don’t like lemon, you can add a little less juice!
For the recipe you need:
  •          Chicken 250gm
  •          Onion juice (2 medium size onion)
  •          Garlic paste ( take 4 table spoon full)
  •          Ginger paste (take 2 table spoon full)
  •          Lemon juice (preferably use Gondhoraj Lebu / Royal Aroma Lemon 1 full)
  •          Pinch of sugar
  •          Salt according to your taste
  •          Curd (  2/3 table spoon)
  •          Green chilli paste  (as per your taste)
  •          Choti elaichi
  •          Lemon leaves
  •          Coriander powder (one and half spoon)


  •          Marinate the chicken with ginger paste, garlic paste, chilly paste and onion paste/ juice. Add salt and coriander power, curd and edible oil.
  •          Keep it in the fridge for half an hour
  •          Take a frying pan. Give ghee / mustard oil / white oil( I prefer mustard oil)
  •          Once the oil is warm give choti elaichi and then pour the marinated chicken
  •       You can add some more onion juice and lemon juice in it. If you want you can add red chilli power ( ½ tea spoon Kashmiri mirch for color or keep it as it is) – add sugar
  •          Cook it for 4/5 minutes and then give the lemon leaves. cook in a low flame
  •          If you feel its dry enough, you can pour half a cup of water
  •          Cover it with lid and let it cook for 4/5 minutes more
  •          Once cooked, serve with rice

P.S. there is no turmeric in this recipe!

Hope you enjoy the recipe!